2025 Madera Membership Terms and Conditions
We are excited to continue sharing exclusive barrel-aged offerings with Madera Members. This is an outline of our ground rules. By signing up to be a Madera Member, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Membership Cost & Perks
The membership cost for the 2025 Madera Membership is $335 plus tax. Members will receive:
(6) unique barrel-aged dark beers (inclusive of both regular and with adjuncts)
(2) x 500ml bottles per member of each beer / a guaranteed (12) bottles total
Opportunity to purchase additional bottles as available
Membership card that grants you a 10% discount on AMB draught beer and merchandise in the tasting room (discount is not valid for beer to-go)
First access to purchase any public barrel-aged beer releases
Option to purchase (2) pieces (or more) of 2025 Madera Members glassware
Option to purchase custom 2025 Madera Members wax bottle opener
Ability to purchase bottles via any cellar sales (which may or may not include bottles from prior membership years)
Priority for 2026 membership
This purchase price does not include any additional bottles purchased throughout the membership period (January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025).
The membership is intended for one person and the benefits cannot be extended for those who choose to share their membership beers
Online Ordering/Pickup
When bottles are released, we ask that they are picked up by you or your designated proxy within four weeks of release date during regular tasting room hours
Any bottles remaining will be subject to storage fees if you absolutely cannot pickup (sorry, we just don’t have the floor space to hold onto cases of delicious beer)
We are unable to accomodate pickups outside of tasting room hours unless confirmed and approved in advance
We are unable to ship bottles to members, no exceptions
Proxy Protocols
Members can assign (1) permanent proxy to pick up beer on their behalf
We ask that you assign your proxy when purchasing/renewing your membership by emailing Tania at tania@almamaderbrewing.com
Proxies picking up for 3 or more people need to give 48 hours notice so that we have ample time to prepare allocations
Membership benefits are not extended to proxies (unless, of course, they are a member)
There will be no pre-determined yearly release schedule for the beers as they will be released when they are ready
We will communicate these releases as far in advance as we can as we know there is a lot of time and coordination that goes into beer pickups
We will do our best to group multiple releases together on a biannual basis
Membership for 2025 includes two release dates (inclusive of all beers listed above). The first is planned for February (not confirmed) and the second is to be determined
Release Schedule
To reiterate, allocations need to be picked up within 4 weeks of release date during regular tasting room hours
We are unable to store cases of beer long-term due to limited floor space
We are unable to store cans of to-go beer with allocations (those are meant to be consumed fresh!)
Current members will be able to continue their membership each renewal period
Alma Mader Brewing reserves the right to cancel a membership at any time for any reason
Madera memberships are non-transferable and limited to one per person
Members must be 21 years of age or older
We reserve the right to publicly pour or sell bottles of Madera Member beers at our discretion (i.e. tasting room/festivals/beer dinners/etc.)
Anything is subject to change